Figure I: Maps of the Cape Peninsula Region in South Africa depicting frequency of wildfire cycles with control lines, concentrations of invasive species overlayed with different ecosystems, population density, and geology (left to right).

Figure II: Topographic 3-dimensional maps of Table Mountain (left) and Signal Hill (right) that shows overlays of wildfire frequency, vegetation types, population demographics, and geology alongside sun and wind data.

Figure III: Small scale test mockups of columns that would expose different materials such as paper, fabric, plaster and wood (left to right) to melanin sourced from the cape peninsula bioregion in order to create emergent generative patterns through capillary action over time. The substrates have been scored, woven and cast with differentiated properties to facilitate patterned movement of the pigment through the material.

Figure IV: Full scale mockup of melanin column for suspending material and controlling exposure to melanin pigment through a series of stepper motors that control the position and draping of substrate, liquid pumps that control the flow rate to particular locations, and fans that can selectively dry areas along the length of the substrate.

Figure V: Array of mechanical components used to manipulate material and liquid with microcontrollers.

Figure VI: Testing how different types of fabric and paper substrates absorb melanin pigments throgh capillary action controlled through air drying top layer using small fans.

Figure VII: Paper and fabric swatch tests showing patterning of substrate  that varying acording to material composition and etching / cutting.
